In the name of ALLAH, the most gracious, the most merciful I am the mother of Muhammad Hadi, who had an accident on the 23rd of Ramadan, after he went out to play, his friends called me that your son had been hit by a taxi driver so we took him to the Egyptian hospital, and the hospital doctors told us that the child had cerebral palsy and internal bleeding in the brain, which led to him being kept in intensive care because of his serious condition and it is not possible to go out to a public room, as you know, that the central care is very expensive, and all government hospitals refused to deal with his condition but thank Allah the health care project came in light of the deteriorating health conditions, so the project works to provide integrated health services such as examinations and medicines. The goal of the project is reducing orphans treatment costs in light of the spread of diseases and epidemics and the high costs of treatment, which poses a real danger to the lives of children, especially orphaned children